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0600-1-1616 Call Center Mon–Wed 9–19, Thur-Sat 9-21, Sun 11-18 (1,99 € / min. + lnc)
You can use most services as an unregistered user on the Tiketti Website. Registered users can manage the customer relationship and also review and make changes to their reservations.
Before registration, every user must read and accept the terms of use for Oma Tiketti and read its privacy policy.
Users can register while supplying their information in Tiketti's Internet service on the registration page. Users can register either personally or as a representative of a business enterprise.
Personal details provided by users during registration are stored in Tiketti's customer register and used for the maintenance of the customer relationship between Tiketti and the user, for development of the service, and for other purposes specified in the privacy policy. Please read the separate privacy policy for detailed information about the processing of personal details.
With the user's permission, customer details may be used for provision of targeted information via e mail and by text message, and messages containing advertisements and benefit information may be sent via e mail and/or text message. Users can at any time refuse or grant agreement to receive such messages by changing their customer details in the Web service to reflect this wish.
Tiketti strives to keep the Web service available 24 hours a day, throughout the year, without any interruption.
However, Tiketti does not guarantee such business hours, nor is it responsible for any breaks in the service or other disruptions caused by circumstances beyond Tiketti's control, such as disruptions to public data communications, crashing of the system, or similar circumstances / force majeure. Tiketti shall not be responsible for the availability or faultlessness of the services offered, their suitability for any specific purpose, the use of the service or any prevention thereof, or any other circumstances, unless specific agreement is made otherwise. Tiketti shall have the right to withdraw the service or any part thereof from use for reasons of site maintenance, servicing of equipment, or any factors of a similar nature.
Tiketti is entitled to delete any reservations made by a user if that user violates or circumvents the terms of use for the service or does not act in accordance with the relevant legislation or good practice.
Tiketti shall be entitled to make amendments to the service and has the right to change any terms unilaterally by reporting this to the user through the service. The user accepts all such changes by using it.
Tiketti shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user by use of the service. Nor shall Tiketti be responsible for any damage arising from problems with use of the service or from delays, breaks in service, or other malfunctions impeding use of the services.
The user shall be responsible for all use of the service carried out with personal data provided by the user. The user agrees to use the service only for purposes that are in line with legislation and good practice.
The user ID and password are personal to the user and must not be disclosed for use by any outside party. The user shall be responsible for all use of the user ID and password, along with the safe storage and non disclosure of the same. If the password is lost, a new one can be obtained via the Tiketti Web site.
Use of the service requires a computer and an Internet connection, and some elements of the service may require certain specific computer software. The user is personally responsible for having the required hardware and software and for all costs arising from the use of the service. The user is also personally responsible for all computer and telecommunications equipment; its use, condition, data security, backups, and protection against malware; its suitability for use with the service; and all similar circumstances or properties.
The user is fully responsible for any damage caused to the service provider, other users, and third parties through any associated use of the service that violates the law or good practice.
The user must read and accept all valid terms and conditions before using the service or any section thereof.
Tiketti may suspend the registration of any user if the user violates these terms of use or acts in violation of the law or good practice.
Tiketti reserves all rights to the services and their contents. All the material in the services belongs to Tiketti and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The services, as such, are protected by copyright in accordance with the valid terms of the Finnish Copyright Act.
The services shall be used only for the purpose agreed on. Without specific, prior, written consent from Tiketti, the user of the services shall not have any right to copy (even partially), otherwise reproduce, save, transfer, send to others, distribute, or publish any material related to the service or to append it to other material or download it to his or her own computer by any means. The user may browse the site and print Web pages for personal use only. Any use of trademarks, brands, or corporate or business symbols related to the services is prohibited without specific, prior consent in writing from Tiketti.
Any activity in breach of this provision may lead to indemnification and/or criminal liability. Tiketti may terminate the user's access to the service if the user acts in violation of these terms of use.
The service may be tied in with third-party services (this linking may include details related to your user account and other material related to the service) for purposes of allowing you to make fuller use of your information and other material held in the Tiketti service (for instance, if you use one-time-pad-based login to a third-party service, the service may prompt you for permission to obtain certain details). The service may interact with your profile and other pages in social media to obtain information about you if you accept disclosure of such information to Tiketti by the social-media site in question; in such cases, Tiketti may collect the information in question from your social-media profile(s).
Services maintained by Tiketti may feature links to Web sites maintained by third parties. In no respects shall Tiketti be responsible for any such Web sites or for the content thereof. Web sites maintained by third parties and their use shall be governed by those third parties' terms of use.
These terms of use and the interpretation thereof shall be governed by the laws of Finland, apart from the rules on conflict of laws.
Any disagreements arising from these terms of use and the contractual relationship shall be settled primarily through negotiation. If agreement cannot be reached via such negotiations, the dispute shall be settled by Helsinki District Court as the court of first instance. If the user is a natural person, he or she has the right, under Chapter 12, Section 1 d of the Consumer Protection Act (38/178) and Chapter 10, Section 5 of the Code of Judicial Procedure (4/1734), to initiate legal action with the public lower court that has jurisdiction for the place of his or her domicile or habitual residence. If the user is a natural person, he or she also has the right to refer any disagreement for settlement by the Consumer Disputes Board.
These terms of use shall enter into effect on 19.12.2014 and remain in force until further notice. The user accepts these terms when purchasing tickets from the service.