Paraati / Töölön Korjaamon Syksy 2024Paraati / Töölön Korjaamon Syksy 2024
0600-1-1616 Call Center Mon–Sat 9–21, Sun 11-19 (1,99 € / min. + lnc)
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For event organizers / Accreditation



An event organiser’s latest festival toy

Tiketti got wind of the fact that event organisers were missing functional accreditation software. So, we decided to create one ourselves – by listening to the needs of the organisers. This much-praised software has been actively used at festivals and at smaller events too.

  • The ProTiketti system enables you to implement the accreditations of your events from the design of application forms to the reception of those accredited at the event location.
  • The software is browser-based and works in real time, which enables many simultaneous processors. Several different user levels can be selected.
  • The roles of accredited people at the event can be defined according to your own needs, for example to media representatives, VIPs or volunteers. Sub-roles can be used to specify their tasks, for example media representatives can be divided into journalists and photographers.
  • In addition to the basic characteristics of the role, you can define products of your choosing in the software, such as a driving permit, photography permit or food ticket. These can be added to anyone who has been accredited.
  • You can make different form templates for different groups so that the software creates separate online addresses for the applications. The appearance of the form can be modified to suit the look of the event.
  • Ready-made e-mail templates can be created for different groups for different purposes, but the software also enables sending more detailed messages to the selected and restricted groups.
  • Individual participants can also be added to the software by the administration and in larger groups in an Excel file. Participants can also be exported from the software to Excel files.
  • The processing of applications is easy and you can also process several applications at the same time.
  • The software makes it easy to monitor how many applications have arrived, been approved and collected. Searches can be made according to different characteristics, such as name, organisation, role or application status. Super search enables you to combine different characteristics.