Paraati / F-liigaParaati / F-liiga
0600-1-1616 Puhelinpalvelu ma–la 9–21, su 11-19 (1,99 € / min. + pvm)
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7.5.2019 12:00

Superwood Festival is all about Northern Oddity, Pure Beauty and woodland vibes

The Superwood Festival by Ivana Helsinki takes place from October 4th to 6th, 2019 in Helsinki. For two nights in the autumn woods by the seaside, a community, a universe reminiscent of childhood summer camps is created. A sleepover experience with 45 hours of music, art, and food for thought and soul.

The Superwood Festival brings music, art, expert talks and vegetarian food all under the same roof. Open the door, step in, get a glass of sparkling and experience the entire festival in a unique architectural space!

The Superwood Festival offers gigs by most beloved indie artists and a special chance to see totally new bands on their first-ever festival performances. At the Superwood Festival you’ll enjoy performers, bands and gigs from the indie, rock, electro and pop scene.

Wood Tour is a completely unique blend of music, performance art and woodland atmosphere, curated by Paola Suhonen. Magical performances in surreal set-ups by a wide variety of artists, each set designed specifically for each artist.

Art installations around the hotel milieu set the mood with quirky Twin Peaks atmosphere.

The Superwood Festival presents a completely new festival program content;  interesting talks by reseachers, hot topics by professionals. There are 20 minute talks from a variety of academic fields giving the focused insight into the topics of today.

The Superwood Festival serves only vegetarian food. The festival will focus on finding the best tastes, new producers, food for eyes, mouth and soul.

The Superwood Festival will take place in the architeturally impressing Hotel Rantapuisto and the surrounding forest grounds. Designed by Ragnar and Martta Ypyä, it was finished in 1963 initially as a training center for Pohjoismaiden Yhdyspankki bank. The hotel and its interior, still faithful to the original 60's wood architecture aesthetics, is as vital a part of the festival as the actual lineup.

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