0600-1-1616 Puhelinpalvelu ma–la 9–21, su 11-19 (1,78 € / min. + pvm)
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20.5.2020 12:12

Amorphis plays two live-stream shows to celebrate its 30th anniversary

Amorphis is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Due to the current situation, the band's official anniversary tour has had to be postponed, but no worries, to cheer their fans up Amorphis will play two live-stream shows on June 3rd and 4th 2020.

“Amorphis has received a lot of requests for live streaming, so we have now planned two different anniversary shows which will be streamed for the fans,”
says the band’s guitarist and founding member Esa Holopainen. "No one knows how long this current situation will last, so these streams are probably the only Amorphis shows in the near future."

The band streams two separate shows through SemiLive.fi, the first of which is aimed for the band's fans in America, the second to home audiences in Finland, Europe, UK and Russia. Ticket buyers have the opportunity to watch the show again for 48 hours after the stream. In addition to the normal ticket, there is also a support ticket available that allows fans to support the band in the midst of a difficult situation.

Wed June 3rd 2020
Los Angeles 5 pm
Chicago 7 pm
New York 8 pm
Mexico City 7 pm
São Paulo 9 pm
Tokyo 9 am (+ 1 day)
Helsinki 3 am (+1 day)

Thu June 4th 2020
Helsinki 21:00
Berlin 20:00
London 19:00
Moscow 21:00
Tokyo 03:00 (+ 1 day)

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