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0600-1-1616 Puhelinpalvelu ma–ke 9–19, to-la 9-21, su 11-18 (1,99 € / min. + pvm)
The Usual Boys are making their Nordic debut in Helsinki after having released their debut album 'Failing To Be' (12.04) - produced DIY and distributed independently.
Come see them perform live for the first time in Finland at Lepakkomies together with local legends Kalankasvattajat!
THE USUAL BOYS - [Indie-Rock/Post-Punk] (Berlin)
As much inspired by the dirge of the Berlin club scene, as by the angular sound of 80s Post Punk; The Usual Boysʼ sound is characterized by janky guitars and driving bass lines which underpin a dark post Ironic take on a seemingly unending ascent into adulthood. The group have made a name for themselves in Berlin, Germany and the UK as an anxious, not-to-be-missed live act with their chaotic shows; touring in the UK and Germany and opening for acts like The Undertones, The Happy Fits, The Blue Stones to name a few.
The Usual Boys are making their Nordic debut in Helsinki after having released their debut album 'Failing To Be' (12.04) - produced DIY and distributed independently. This thirteen track album includes their biggest singles yet: “I Want What You Have” and “How High” which have been featured on Spotify Editorial Playlists (Fresh Finds GSA & Alternarock) and been played on BBC Introducing.
KALANKASVATTAJAT - [Indie] (Helsinki)
Kalankasvattajien musiikissa kuuluvat heijastukset niin suomi-soulista ja iskelmästä kuin uuden aallon rockista ja progesta. Yhtye julkaisi keväällä -23 esikoislevynsä ”Kaloista ja rakkaudesta” levy-yhtiö Nemolevyjen kautta ja työstää nyt toista pitkäsoittoaan, josta esimakua saatiin kuulla toukokuussa julkaistulla ”Ja kevääseen” -sinkulla. Keikoiltaan Kalankasvattajat tiedetään hellänsvengaavista ja pahaenteisen paahteisista otteistaan.
Liput ovelta 8 €, mikäli jäljellä.