0600-1-1616 Puhelinpalvelu ma–ke 9–19, to-la 9-21, su 11-18 (1,99 € / min. + pvm)
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4.7.2019 11:00

Hanna Perälä's exhibition now open in Tiketti Galleria

Artist Hanna Perälä’s exhibition Ei mitään hätää is now open in Tiketti Galleria until 26th of August.

The artwork, painted with acrylic and oil pastel on canvas, emphasizes both environment and plants. Through them the exhibition proposes a question about time, it’s structure and meaning – in this time that we call new.

The exhibition’s bases are resilient plants in their unnatural environment. Culms and leafs conforming the space given to them the artwork ponders on our need to control our environment from subjective perspective. The flower theme is a continuum to Perälä’s previous exhibition. Observing nature and our unnatural actions has always been part of her works, even in its more abstract forms.

Like the Vanitas paintings from the Seventeenth century the plants in Perälä’s exhibition remind us about our mortality in a new context. Unlike Nature morte, dead and suffering nature, the flowers of sixth generation extinction are still blooming and conforming the space taken by us. The toughest ones will continue to do so even after us.

Hanna Perälä (born 1984) is an artist living in Helsinki who is finishing her Master’s degree in Visual Culture and Contemporary Art at Aalto University. She got her bachelor’s from Metropolia Univeristy of Applied Sciences. On top of her three private exhibitions she has been part of multiple group exhibitions and her work has been displayed f.e. at the backstage of Flow Festival. She also plays the drums in the band Goo-Hags.

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