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To 14.11.2024  /  Tullikamarin Klubi  /  Tampere

Mark Hummel Band feat. Anson Funderburgh

Mark Hummel Band feat. Anson Funderburgh Liput

Amerikkalainen superblues-bändi saapuu Suomeen

“Mark Hummel is a Harmonica Virtuoso. He is one of a handful of the Best Players ever on the Instrument”.
– Blues Revue Magazine

Anson Funderburgh undeniably remains best known in the blues field for his extraordinarily concise lead guitar attack. Funderburgh’s unmistakable style, tone and sensibility has made him one of contemporary blues music’s most important guitar players. Once a clean-cut up-and-comer on the national blues scene who’s crisp, biting guitar licks belied his soft-spoken manner, Anson has developed into a legacy artist and his influence on countless guitarists is immeasurable.

Drummer Wes Starr has impeccable credentials: Asleep At The Wheel, Delbert McClinton, Marcia Ball, Omar & The Howlers, Jimmy Vaughan, Willie Nelson, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, everyone!!

UK Pianist Bob Hall is the legendary player on most blues gigs & records out of his country between 1965 to mid 80s including Savoy Brown, Brunning Sunflower Blues Band w/Peter Green, The Groundhogs, Alexis Korner, Little Walter, Howlin Wolf, Jimmy Witherspoon, John Lee Hooker and many more.. Later Bob collaborated with Chuck Berry, Charlie Watts and numerous other names.

Upright bassist Bill Stuve is longtime Rod Piazza & Mighty Flyers player for 29 years.


Ikäraja: K-18
Aika: Ovet klo 18:30

Showtime 20:00.

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Lipun hinta ovien auettua 28 €.


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Myynti loppuu 14.11.2024 23:59.