0600-1-1616 Puhelinpalvelu ma–la 9–21, su 11-19 (1,99 € / min. + pvm)
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Ke 24.4.2024  /  On the Rocks  /  Helsinki

Kebu - Synthesizer legends tour 2024 + DJ Benjamin Risto Uuno

Kebu - Synthesizer legends tour 2024 + DJ Benjamin Risto Uuno Liput

Helsinki Synth City proudly presents – Kebu "Synthesizer legends tour 2024"

Kebu is an artist from Finland creating melodic electronic music, influenced by the kind made in the 70's and 80's. His music is distinguished by skillful handling of analog synthesis and captivating live performance – his YouTube channel has attracted over 100 million views and fans from all around the globe. Kebu already has an impressive experience in touring in Europe, where he has played over 100 concerts in 13 different countries. His concerts radiate warmth and joy and display a huge arsenal of analogue synths, conjuring memories of the best solo synthesizer artists from the golden era of synthesizer music. Kebu has been granted the Best International Artist Award in the German Schallwelle Music Awards in 2018 and 2022.

On his upcoming tour in Europe, Kebu will perform his own compositions alongside songs from his new "Synthesizer Legends - Volume 1" album – a collection of covers of both famous and less known synthesizer gems from the eighties. Also for this tour, Kebu brings along his impressive keyboard rig consisting only of analog synthesizers and analog drum machines.

The Helsinki Synth City resident DJ Benjamin Risto Uuno will provide the hottest synth tunes before and after Kebu's show.

Neo Helsinki


Ikäraja: K-18
Aika: Ovet klo 19:00

Varmista soittoajat keikkapäivänä On The Rocksin sivuilta: www.rocks.fi/tapahtumat

Liput ovelta 35 €, mikäli jäljellä.

Ovella peritään eteispalvelumaksu 3,50 €.

Jos tapahtumaan on lippuja jäljellä, niitä voi varata puhelinpalvelusta. Nettisivuilta vain suoria ostoja. Puhelinpalvelun kautta varausaika 2 päivää.