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0600-1-1616 Telefontjänst mån–ons 9–19, tors-lör 9-21, sön 11-18 (1,99 € / min. + lna)
🥳 IWF is back with its most awaited event! 🎆 IWF GARBA!🎇 Let’s get together for an evening of dance, music and delicious food! Practice your garba moves 💃 and get ready to groove 💃 🪩 Block your calendars 🗓️ now! Check IWF Pages for more information.
Garba is a form of Gujarati dance which originates from the state of Gujarat in India. The name is derived from the Sanskrit term Garbha. Many traditional garbas are performed around a centrally lit lamp or a picture or statue of the Goddess Shakti. Traditionally, it is performed during the nine-day Indian festival Navarātrīi. Garba dance is celebrated during the Navratri time.
Children under 5 years free entry.
An assistant can enter the event for free on the same ticket as the person they are assisting: no
The event is accessible by wheelchair: yes
The event venue has an accessible toilet: yes