0600-1-1616 Puhelinpalvelu ma–ke 9–19, to-la 9-21, su 11-18 (1,99 € / min. + pvm)
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La 19.10.2024  /  Hotel Ax  /  Helsinki

AXellent Stand Up in English

AXellent Stand Up in English Liput

Come to enjoy a great Stand up evening to the atmospheric AX Under with a amazing line up: Erin Crouch as Headliner with Seth Alexander and Leben Norrie. Hosting by the one and only Kaisa Pylkkänen!

Erin Crouch is an American comedian based in Germany, where she produces monthly shows on two US military bases. Fulfilling a lifelong dream, she was paid by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs to tell jokes about Germans in 2024. She is a regular on the biggest comedy clubs around Europe and has also toured the US West coast together with Kaisa Pylkkänen. Erin Crouch co-produces Festrogen, the annual women's comedy festival in Luxembourg (2021- present)

Seth Alexander immigrated to Finland as a refugee from Orlando, Florida. With commentary on American culture, immigration, and relationships - he has entertained crowds from the Punchline in San Francisco to the wild west of eastern Helsinki.

With over ten years of experience in stand up, and a history as a New Zealand Raw Comedy finalist in 2014, Leben Norrie has amused audiences before and after moving to Finland in 2017. He also writes and produces theatre productions, including this year's upcoming Halloween spectacle “Macabre Morsels II”.

And the hostess of the evening is Kaisa Pylkkänen, an award-winning Finnish comedian who has traveled the world (ok, only 10 countries on three continents) with her comedy. Voted "Comedian of the Year" in 2020 by his peers.

Choose the ticket option that suits you best and come and enjoy the evening!


Ikäraja: Ikärajaton
Aika: klo 20:00
Ovet klo 19:30

Show & Dinner

Show + Dinner lippu sisältää kolmen ruokalajin yllätyksellisen illallisen, josta saat valita kasvis- tai lihavaihtoehdon. Juomat eivät kuulu hintaan.
Illallinen nautitaan ennen illan showta Klo: 17:30-20:00.
Ammattitaitoiset artesaanikokkimme takaavat laadukkaan ja inspiroivan makuelämyksen!

Mikäli sinulla on ruokarajoitteita tai allergioita ilmoitathan niistä sähköpostitse [email protected] (laita sähköpostiin nimesi, pvm. rajoitteet ja Club illan nimi)

Psst! Ostaessasi liput tapahtumaan saat majoituksen -20% alennuksella. Hyppää tästä varauskalenteriin!